Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar and is the largest city on this East African Island. Locally known as Tana this city has a number of noteworthy film locations which include Lemurs Park, Ambohimanga , Musee de la Photographie de Madagascar, The Crocodile Farm , Analakely Market, Rova Palace , Monument aux morts, Analakely Market, Parc de Tsarasaotra, and the French colonial architecture of the old Haute-Ville district.
The National Film Permits to shoot in the region is quite expensive but is required by international production companies to clear their film gear through customs and to film on location in the country. The application for these permits is best handled by local film fixers.
Our local fixers will share articles on some of other film locations in Madagascar over the next few weeks which can be accessed in the news section on our website