Filming in

South Africa


19 Bokmakirie street,
Sonstraal, Durbanville

South Africa is located at the southern tip of Africa and is bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho. It is a vast country with widely varying landscapes and has 11 official languages, as well as an equally diverse population of 59 million people.

South Africa has a staggering array of architecture and location options – just about any familiar scenery on the planet; city life and infrastructure; beaches, vineyards, forests, crop lands, mountains, dunes; the best of Africa’s bush and savannah settings.

Privately owned film locations attract variable fees and these are negotiated by local film fixers and location scouts. All public spaces require a film permit and these take about 5 working days to obtain. Authorities issue film permits in South Africa based on an online request. Film fixers contact the local councils from the regions where the shooting takes place. Authorities recommend considering the calendar when applying for permission.